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In 2017, we toured six premier locations along the Florida coast - from Walton County to Key West. Each one unique. Each one special. Pop-Up Shows, presentations, educational activities with youth, making Catch of the Day collaborative art projects, interviews with the media and more.
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This is where it all started - trying to make something positive out of all that trash. Who knew that a $2.00 glue gun and some string would lead to all of this?
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Splash Trash Tour Angels
People who showed up at just the right time when I was discouraged and thinking 'what the heck am I doing? I could be sitting on a beach making art!'
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Tejinder Juliana, Bridget Wolf and children, Xiomara Lima, Sunsette, Becca Booth,
Grant Blackwell, Lisa Polk, Janie Henry, Sarah Pierpont and Leonard Zuga.
© SplashTrash 2016
SplashTrash Intl. by SplashTrash Intl. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Please give credit to SplashTrash Intl., the SplashTrash Tour, Bette Booth,

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