Criatura is Spanish for a living thing, usually a newborn baby. There is driftwood all over the beach - yet these pieces insist that I stop and pick them up.
They seem to come alive in my hands, but, unlike the splash trash art, only a few have wanted a name. They are simply criaturas.....
I was listening to American Gods and Wednesday came to live with me.
She came to me the day I learned my friend had been killed by her husband because she was leaving him. The heart and blood are made out of Buddhist prayer flag.
© SplashTrash 2016
SplashTrash Intl. by SplashTrash Int. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Please give credit to SplashTrash Intl., the SplashTrash Tour, Bette Booth,