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Splash Trash Recommended Reading 

Marine Litter Vital Graphics


This comprehensive report, produced by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), summarizes a myriad of facts about marine debris in simple, understandable graphics.  

Sources, Fates and Effects of Microplastics in the Marine Environment: A Global Assessment


Produced by GESAMP, a United Nations advisory body that provides scientific advice concerning the prevention, reduction and control of the degradation of the marine environment. 

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River plastics emissions in the world's waters

June 2017

This study provides important baseline data and provides recommendations for future plastic debris monitoring and mitigation strategies.

The New Plastics Economy: Catalyzing Action


The New Plastics Economy applies circular economy principles to create a global economy in which plastics never become waste.  This study outlines concrete steps towards achieving the systemic shift needed to achieve this goal.  

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Algalita: Marine Research and Education

Beat the Microbead  

Break Free From Plastic 

Clean Seas

Dos Mares


El Plastico Mata  

Five Gyres Institute 

Florida Microplastic Awareness Project

Global Partnership on Marine Litter




Marine Affairs Research and Education (MARE) 


 MARE Marine Debis Information Significant Articles and Reports on Marine Litter  


Mission Blue Sylvia Earle Alliance 


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Debris Program  


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Sea Grant Program

New Plastics Economy 

Ocean Conservancy


Other Sources of Information

© SplashTrash 2016

SplashTrash Intl. by SplashTrash Intl. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Please give credit to SplashTrash Intl., the SplashTrash Tour, Bette Booth,

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